Monday, October 12, 2009

Problem vs. Challenge : COLLEGE

Problems are always in my life. I feel as if it's never ending, but I ultimately have to deal with it. My problems are like t-shirts, it's could be small, medium, or large!! haha :) But really between a challenge and problem, the only difference is the degree in hardship. A problem I faced today was not knowing how to manage my time. After my first class, I didn't realize that I had a psychology study at 11:00 am. I thought I only had one study to go to, but then as I checked my email and rushed to that study--I was late but luckily they let me in. After sitting at the desk and regaining myself, I had another study in ten minutes and would have been late so I canceled the one I was late to and went to my other study. Now that's what you call my problem of the day. I was sweaty and tired from rushing and I missed out on getting a valuable point for my class. My psychology class has been a problem to a challenge to me because besides the whole being late part, a problem is my grade in psychology leading towards a challenge to achieve a higher grade. I feel like I'm the only freshman struggling in that class!! ehhk! I'm still very behind with the modules that we are required to do. (A lot!) I'm behind at this point, but I'm trying real hard to keep up. Hopefully at the end it should all pull through, but I have other classes on top of psychology to be in line with. I hate regrets, but right now, I'm behind and regret not being on top of things at the beginning of the year. For those upcoming freshmen, Get'er Done!

Additional to the time management problem, it's a big challenge now because I know that college is not as easy as high school, especially those deadlines! They are so cruel! but I know it serves a purpose in teaching us real life experiences and responsibility. So many things to do, and I'm Ohh soo busy always! But lets be optimistic. Have a happy day now! :D

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