What I see myself doing at the University of Oklahoma is building my education and experiences with the real life. By meeting new people and networking is something that will push me forward and succeed in life. :) What I am most interested in is how a businesses work and the different challenges that are being faced, but I know a limited amount about that, so I need to get on track! I honestly do not know what I will become at OU, but something great for sure.
After just a few weeks in school, I've found myself doing double takes at the students in suits and business attire. Thinking to myself, that for sure will be me in the future. My interests I have is art like how a painting mushes together with brilliant glare and amazement. I have not went to the new art museum that opened, but that is on my to-do this semester list! Something I probably see myself doing in the future includes simply beautiful art and problem solving!

I attended the Back to School Business hosted from the Price college and I picture myself being involved with interning with Conoco Phillips or JCpenny learning about different companies and environments that I would have to face. In my junior year here at OU, I want to have interned in more than at least 5 companies. I don't know if that is too much or too less, but I want to make something of my life that would benefit others, especially my family. If I could do anything at OU, well there is too many great things to do but I know I wouldn't pull myself in a situation that would make me suffer! Success is a broad word, but I know that I will reach that at the University of Oklahoma. Everything is pretty amazing here and I would never change any bit of it. I know life is short because time keeps on going, but I right now my intentions at OU is to do all that I can handle and make something special out of it! :)
Grades and internships, your goals are in line!